Macrolepiota procera |
Description The cap of the parasol mushroom can be from 10 to 30 centimeters wide. When young, it is often spherical, but can also be egg-shaped. In mature specimens, the cap is completely opened. The edge of the convex cap has many tiny cracks in it. The color of the cap is mostly brown or grey and is known to have many dark flakes on its surface. The stipe can be up to 40 centimeters tall, and is cylindrical, hollow and hard. The stipe is a bit wider on the bottom, and is known to have a ring. The gills are dense, white and soft, while the spore print is white colored.
Chemical reactions The flesh of the parasol mushroom reacts with guaiacol, forming a bluish green color. It also reacts with phenol, forming a brown color.
Habitat It grows in all kinds of woods, from beech and oak woods to coniferous forests. Certain subspecies have been found throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, South and North America.
Season Parasol mushrooms grow from May up to November (sometimes even December).
Edibility Parasol is a very tasteful and respected mushroom, which can be used in various ways (although many prefer them fried). However, one should have in mind that only the caps are eaten.
Similar species There are certain species with which the parasol mushroom could be mistaken, but all of these species can be recognized by not having a white spore print, and by the change of color that can occur when their flesh is exposed to air.